
In Italy there are 32.375 charity institutions. We are one of these.
But this doesn’t mean we are just one out of the very many!

Our action is mainly focused in supporting and improving the very low eductational level of the orphan children of Watamu, to guarantee them a decorous future and set them free from illitteracy chains.
Our wish is to help all needing children, apart from their belief and origin, addressing all donations proceeds exclusively to the development of this program.
All taxes and expenses of the Association are not deducted from donations but are entirely charged on its founders.

All of us, from the charter member to the last “enrolled” one, is a professional individual with his own activity, who decided to put personal skills and experience to the benefit of this dream.
So My Name Is Help can count on Managers, Business Consultants, Contractors, Commercial Agents, Photographers, PR’s, Graphic Designers, Art Directors and a number of other professional individuals willing to carry out all sorts of activities, without demanding any salary or reimburse.

To all we offer the opportunity to constantly check the Association work through publishing and reportaging activities, as well as trhough the possibility to go on site in person to visit the S.P.& K. Nursery School and its children.