April 2009 – The “grand opening”

Three years are gone since the beginning of this adventure…..building up a nursery school in Africa…!! We made it thanks to the perseverance and sensibility of those ones who have helped us, mostly through the donations received last Christmas.
We have launched the missing parts: the dorm, the kitchen and the dining hall. Just a few details still missing and the complex will be ready in a month time. We have celebrated and taken pictures; we have lived through colors, smiles and some tears of true emotion.
And now a new challenge: building up menas nothing if you can’t maintain! We are getting ready for the launch of the project “Adopt a Nursery School”. We would like to continue our action in order to guarantee education to all Nursery children. But this is another story… that we’ll tell you about at the earliest… Menawhile, enjoy some pictures!

Who was there: Stefano, Fanny, Massimo, Alessandro, Grazia and Paul l