“Something unexpected happened: someone wanted to buy my photo shots! But I didn’t have any clue on what to do with those money….
I talked about it to a Friend.
She started telling me about Timboni, a small village close to Watamu, in Kenia, where a group of local women was offering shelter to orphan children.
An idea came up…”
Lucio Elio – Photoreporter
Then it was Marta’s time. And again Michela’s, Fanny’s and all other Friends who decided to follow us through this adventure, with strong goodwill and a bit of recklessness!
This is how My Name Is Help was born: from the enthusiasm of a group of youngsters from Bergamo who, inspired by the desire of creating a different idea than the usual Onlus, starting 2005 gave birth to a very special project: buying a plot of land where to raise a nursery school to welcome, take care and lead to education the orphan children of Kenya.
The S.P & K. Nursery School.
In only two years time we have completed the first building, a huge classroom where the over 60 children could get together and, coordinated by 4 local teachers, learn english language and maths basics. Children have been divided into 4 classes, not by age but based on their schooling level.
Since the main target was to create a community youth centre, starting January 2008 we have added to the schooling rooms a dorm, kitchens and a dining hall, in order to provide the children with the care and affection they so much long for.
At today, the complex and the medical dispensary ensure the children a more secure and serene future.
This dream could come true thanks to the effort of all those who have followed us and wanted to become part of our project: a project that doesn’t belong to any religion or party, that originates from the will and unselfishness of any single free individual.